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In the book of Genesis chapter 4
Adam and Eve beget Cain (verse 1) and Abel (verse 2), but Cain kills Abel.
Then, God forgives Cain, condemns him to be a nomad, protects him from being killed “by others” [who?] by “marking him”, and Cain leaves for the east side of Eden.
Cain finds a wife (verse 17) [who had to be his sister, although there is no mention that Eve bore any daughters], who apparently was living in the east side of Eden. Her name is not mentioned. She bears a son, whose name is Henoch. [In contrast to God’s condemnation that Cain will be a nomad, Cain builds a city which he also named Henoch (verse 17).]
Henoch finds a wife [who had to be his aunt or his sister], who bears a son named Irad (verse 18).
Irad finds a wife, and she bears a son named Maviael (verse 18).
Maviael finds a wife, and she bears a son named Mathusael (verse 18).
Mathusael finds a wife, and she bears a son named Lamech (verse 18).
Lamech finds two wives (verse 19), [apparently, polygamy was permissible then]. One wife is named Ada, and one is named Sella. Ada bears a son named Jabel (verse 20), and a son named Jubal (verse 21). Sella bears a son named Tubalcain, and a daughter named Noema (verse 22).
Then, the wife of Adam bears another son, named Seth (verse 25). [No births before Seth are mentioned, so the origins of the above women are mysteries.]
Later, in Genesis 5:4, it reads “After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 year, and had other sons and daughters.” [This passage occurs after the above list, and no mention was made about who they were.]
In the book of Genesis chapter 6
God tells Noah that life expectancy will be limited to 120 years (verse 3) [apparently this limit was not retroactive, because in chapter 9 verse 28 Noah’s age was given as 950 years, and also was applied with numerous exceptions, as chapter 11 lists several persons whose ages exceeded 120 years plus others listed later], and then God expresses his displeasure with the way things have gone (verse 6), and decides to destroy all living creatures (verse 7), except for Noah and his family, who will survive the great flood that God will cause by building an ark. God tells Noah (verse 19) to take a pair of “every living creature” “two of a sort” “of the male sex, and the female”
The problem of collecting the animals is solved in verse 20 when God said to Noah that “… every kind of creature that moves along the ground will come to you… “. [One can only imagine how animals from other continents and distant islands crossed oceans to reach the land where Noah lived.]
In verse 21, God tells Noah that “You are to take every kind of food that is to be eaten and store it away as food for you and for them" [This task would have been impossible as Noah would have had to know which foods each herbivore ate, travel to the regions where such food was available, collect it, and return home. It is impossible to imagine a food supply for the carnivores.]
In the book of Genesis chapter 7
Then, God tells Noah (verse 2) to take seven pairs of “clean beasts” and fowl, and two pairs of “unclean beasts”.
But, somehow, while no mention was made of a change in the command, in verse 9 it reads “Two and two went into the ark”.
God then tells Noah (verse 4) “Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made.” [Even plants and animals in lakes and oceans would have been affected, as fresh water fish cannot live in salt water, and vice cers. An Ark of the size given in the Bible would have requied wood from several thousand trees. It would not have been possible to even cut that many trees much less hew the wood into boards, and then build the Ark within seven days. The construction of the Ark in such a short period cannot be explained from the biblical account.]
All living things perished, except for Noah and his family (verse 23). [Thus, we are all descendants of Noah, his three sons, and their wives. God drowned all but 8 humans, and all other living things that lived on land. The insurmountable problem of collecting and then distributing all of the plants and animals cannot be explained from the biblical text. Furthermore, even if the Earth was covered for only 40 days (Gen 7:12), upon their return to their original locations, the redistributed animals would have been without food, as all of the surface plants and all ot the animals not taken to the ark would have been drowned. The carnivores would have been without prey to hunt, and the herbivores would have been without plants to eat. It is significant to note that the histories of Egypt, India, and China have no mention of a global flood.]
In the book of Genesis chapter 8
Noah “sent forth the dove, which returned not any more unto him” verse12 [one can only presume that the dove died, as, apart from the Ark, it would not have had a place to land, nor food to eat.]
[How long was the flood? 40 days, rain and rising water Gen 7:17; 150 days, waters abated and the ark rests on a mountain Gen 8:4; 224 days, mountains are visible Gen 8:5; 264 days, Noah sends out dove Gen 8:6; 271 days, dove finds land Gen 8:10-11; 278 days, dove doesn’t return Gen 8:12; 314 days, there is no standing water Gen 8:13; 370 days, the earth is dry Gen 8:14.]
After the earth dried, Noah, his family, and all the animals went out of the ark. Then, Noah built an altar, and “taking of all cattle and fowl that were clean, offered holocausts” (burnt offerings) to God! verse 20 [This statement is a serious inconsistency, since only “two by two” were taken into the ark, an offering meant the end of the species. Additionally, it is contradictory to the idea of saving the animals from the flood only to sacrifice them later.]
God promises Noah that he will not flood the earth again. verse 21 [but apparently God reserved the right to cause local floods (see Job 20:28) and other forms of destruction, as was later exemplified in chapters 13 and 19, when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrha, or in 38:10 when God slew Onan.]
In verse 22, God promised that “All the days of the earth, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, night and day shall not cease”
In chapter 12 verse 10, it reads “And there came a famine in the country…”
In chapter 26 verse 1, it reads “And when a famine came into the land…”
In chapter 41 verse 54, it reads “The seven years of scarcity … began to come, and famine prevailed in the whole world ..."
In chapter 43 verse 1, it reads “In the meantime, the famine was heavy upon all the land.”
In chapter 45 verse 6, it reads “For it is two years since the famine began to be upon the land, and five years more remain, wherein there can be neither ploughing nor reaping”
[ Famine is also mentioned in Deuteronomy 32:24; Ruth 1:1; 1 Kings 8:37, 18:2; 2 Kings 21:1; 3 Kings 18:2; 4 Kings 4:38; Job 5:20; Psalms 33:19, 37:19, 105:16; Isaiah 14:30, 51:19; Jeremiah 11:22, 14:12] [In Jeremiah 14:14, God threatened those who “prophesy lies” and who promise “no sword or famine” even though God himself promised the same thing to Noah.]
In Deuteronomy chapter 11 verses 16-17, Moses modified God’s promise of Genesis 8:22, and told the Israelites that “… Beware lest you depart from the Lord … the Lord being angry shut up heaven that the rain come not down nor the earth yield her fruit … “ [Apparently Moses had the authority to modify God’s commands.]
In the book of Genesis chapter 9
In verse 3, it reads “And every living thing that moveth and liveth shall be meat for you: even as the green herbs have I delivered them all to you.”
In Leviticus chapter 11 and Deuteronomy chapter 14, numerous prohibitions are listed, and many creatures that “moveth and liveth” are banned. Also, some living things, both plant and animal, are poisonous or fatal to humans when they are eaten. It was careless of God to make such a broad statement.
In the book of Genesis chapter 10
In verse 5, it reads, “These are the descendants of Japeth, living in their different tribes and countries, each group speaking its own language.”
In chapter 11 verse 4, it reads, “… Come, let us make a city and a tower, the top whereof may reach to heaven…” In verses 5 and 6, it reads “And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of Adam were building. And he said: Behold, it is one people and all have one tongue: and they have begun to do this, neither will they leave off from their designs, till they accomplish them in deed.” [How is it possible that God became convinced that the people would be able to build a tower that would “reach to heaven”? (Surely, God would have known that such a feat could not be done. Moses was the supposed author of Genesis, and, having lived in Egypt, would have known about the Pyramids, and that the idea had already been done.) What threat to God did the idea constitute that God decided (of all possible choices) that the only way to stop the project was to "confound their tongue”? After the “confounding”, how did the workers talk with their families? It follows logically that God infused vocabulary, script, and grammar as was necessary for the new tongues, and must have provided dictionaries.]
In the book of Genesis chapter 13
In verses 14-15, and 17, and later in Genesis 17:8, God promised to Abraham “The whole land of Canaan, where you are now an alien, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you; and I will be their God." (NIV)
In the Acts of the Apostles 7:5, and later in the Epistle to the Hebrews 11:9-13, it was written that they did not receive the ‘promised land’. Heb 11:13 “They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth.” (NIV)
In the book of Genesis chapter 16
In verses 1-10 describe how Abraham fathered a son with the handmaid, Agar, who (verse 16) bore a son named Ishmael. Later, in chapter 21, Abraham’s wife Sara gives birth to a son named Isaac.
In the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Hebrews chapter 11 verse 17, it reads “By faith, Abraham, when he was tried, offered Isaac, and that he had received the promises, offered his only begotten son.” Also, this passage ignores the six sons produced by Abraham’s second wife, Cetura (Genesis 25:1-2).
In the book of Genesis chapter 17
In verse 10, it reads “…All the male kind of you shall be circumcised … that it may be a sign of the covenant between me and you.”
In the Epistle to the Galatians, Saint Paul condemns circumcision saying “You are made void of Christ…” and “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing nor uncircumcision …” chapter 5:1 - 6
In the book of Genesis chapter 18
First, God said that he would “… go down and see whether they have done according to the cry that is come to me …” (verse 21) [The need to “…go down and see…” seems strange because in Proverbs 15:3, Psalms 139:7-10, Job 34:21-22 the claim is made that God knows all things] When Abraham asks in verse 23 if God “wilt thou destroy the just with the wicked?”, God evaded the question by saying that he would spare the two cities if he found 50 just men, but Abraham protested, and slowly God reduced the number until it was only 10 just men (verses 24-32), and Abraham agreed. [Clearly, it was possible to dissuade God from his original decision. But in Numbers 23:19; 1 Sam 15:29; Psalms 33:11, 102:25-27; Ezekiel 24:14; Malachi 3:6; and James 1:17, it reads that God does not change. ]
In chapter 19, two angels, not God, went to Sodom. Although there is no specific mention, apparently only Lot and his family were “just”, because in verse 13 the two angels announced “For we will destroy this place, because their cry is grown loud before the Lord, who sent us to destroy them.” [It is clear from this statement that the Lord decided prior to sending the angels that the two cities were to be destroyed, but He wanted to save Lot and his family.]
Then, in verse 14, the angels said that it will be the Lord, not they, who will destroy the city. Lot and his family were told to leave the area, and not look back (verse 17). When Lot’s wife looked back, her punishment was death, and she was killed by God who turned her into a pillar of salt (verse 26). [One can only conclude that Lot’s wife was ahead of the rest of her family, otherwise, they, too, would have had to look back.]
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